100 Jahre Doppelherz verschiedene Produkte

We bear a social responsibility not just as Doppelherz brand but also as Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co. KG when it comes to limiting the global rise in temperature and reducing the CO2 emissions caused by humans. The reduction and compensation of CO2 emissions are therefore just as crucial to our company as avoiding the use of plastic in our product packaging.

We are climate neutral

At Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, products are climate neutral. The long-term goal is an even more significant saving of packaging material and using sustainable materials for product packaging. The savings achieved so far and the long-term decrease in packaging material means we are actively contributing to environmental and climate protection even at this early stage.

Carbon dioxide is released during packaging production, the amount of which we aim to further reduce in the future. It is unfortunately not possible to altogether avoid CO2 emissions during production. We completely counterbalance this burden on the environment by funding sustainable projects with climate expert ClimatePartner.

We are constantly developing solutions to provide more environmentally friendly packaging materials for our products.

Components and Sustainability

The top criterion for our products involves high-quality ingredients. Various quality seals and standards certify the purity and sustainability of the raw materials and components.

PureMax Technology
The PureMax* seal of approval attests to the high quality and sustainability of the sea fish oil. Particular attention is also paid to purity in the production of the omega-3 fatty acids. For the concentrate extraction, we only use fish from sustainable fisheries. Periodic inspections and expert opinions of the concentrates and also of the prescribed quality parameters attest to the exceptionally high quality of the omega-3 concentrate.

* PureMax is a trademark of Croda International PLC, England.

ECO Harvesting Process
ECO Harmony Technology** effectively prevents larger by-catch when fishing for krill by using special nets. Krill is thus caught in the Antarctic Sea in a very gentle way. The whole catch is immediately processed on board the vessels, thus producing a very pure krill oil. The ECO-Harvesting® process** is one of the only ones in Antarctica that has been proven to have no negative impact on the krill population and ecosystem.

** ECO Harvesting® is trademark of Aker BioMarine

Ecological Responsibility

We are very strongly committed to the conservation of resources. We already had ourselves certified according to the environmental standard DIN EN ISO 14001 in 1997. The goal of the norm is to combine continuous improvement of environmental performance with simultaneously complying with environmental law. We also became one of the first companies to be DIN EN 50001 certified in 2016, in accordance with legal requirements. As a result, we introduced an energy management system based on the recording of energy flows within our company and the evaluation of energy efficiency. These assessments served as the basis for technical measurements which helped to improve energy efficiency. This is how we maintain a sustainable approach to water and energy resources. At present, the certification according to DIN EN 16247-1 is being carried out - the area of energy efficiency thus remains an important topic for Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co. KG continues to be an important topic.

The whole manufacturing process of a product is also considered under consideration of legal requirements. The selection of quality raw materials, regular auditing of contract manufacturers, traceability of transport routes, and contracted transportation companies are examined from the perspective of environmental relevance.

Queisser Pharma operates with 100% environmentally friendly green electricity. This is how we support environmental protection and lastingly protect the environment. The Green Electricity originates from renewable energy sources and is obtained from hydroelectric power.

More detailed and further information on the climate protection measures at Queisser Pharma can be read HERE.

Compensation of CO2 Emissions

In cooperation with ClimatePartner, our climate protection expert, we determined the CO2 emissions of our business activities. Subsequently, we initiated reduction measures and started offsetting inevitable CO2 emissions. As a pharmaceutical company, we are unable to avoid CO2 emissions altogether. We take full responsibility for the carbon dioxide produced and fully offset it by supporting certified climate protection projects.

Doppelherz Produkte sind Klimaneutral
Climate Protection Measures

Queisser Pharma is a climate-neutral company. Reducing and offsetting carbon dioxide emissions is a significant priority for us. Likewise, we are working on the reduction of plastic in the packaging area.

Transparency is key to us: Our investments in various climate protection projects are traceable via the climate-neutral logo and our tracking ID on our products.

Compensating for CO2 emissions at Queisser

Worldwide, we support three climate protection projects which contribute to climate protection through various measures in the fields of wind energy, solar power and drinking water. Besides climate-friendly development, the

Our Climate Protection Projects

Climate protection projects have been proven to save greenhouse gases and contribute significantly to the fight against global warming. They also promote sustainable development in the project countries, such as by improving the supply of clean drinking water, expanding local infrastructure, creating jobs, and protecting biodiversity.

We support three climate protection projects worldwide in the sectors of wind energy, solar power and drinking water.

Wind Energy in Bulgaria
By using wind energy, we can generate energy directly without the use of fossil fuels. In Bulgaria, we are promoting a wind power project that produces renewable energy, contributes to economic revitalization and sustainable development of the local region. Read more on this at www.climatepartner.com/1100


Drinking Water in Uganda
For many people in the world, having access to clean drinking water simply isn't easy. For many families, boiling water over an open fire is a necessity. This type of water treatment generates CO2 emissions and causes large areas of land to be deforested. We support access to clean drinking water in Uganda, saving greenhouse gases and improving the health situation of locals. Read more  on this at www.climatepartner.com/1092

Solar Power in China
Power from solar cells is regarded as emission-free and doesn't consume fossil fuels. We support a project in China's Henan province that distributes solar stoves. This eliminates the need to prepare food on coal stoves in the huts and eliminates smoke pollution in the huts. Read more on this at  www.climatepartner.com/108